Adeptship Crash Course
Why Adeptship
My Journey
What Is Adeptship
About the Course
Why Adeptship?
Students of the ascended masters have been blessed with the most advanced spiritual teachings on earth. Our understanding of the purpose of life and of powerful spiritual techniques such as the Science of the Spoken Word is among the very best. Our opportunity and ability to actively work with archangels, angels, Elohim and a host of ascended beings is unsurpassed. You’d think that with all these blessings, earth would be a radiating ball of light where the Golden Age is in full progress!
And yet, life on this planet seems to be getting progressively worse. Every day’s news brings us more signs that life all around is becoming more and more unhinged.
What’s Happening on this Planet?
Probing carefully beneath the surface of life, we discern a number of unseen forces—non-benign forces—pulling the strings of disruption and destruction. They do this quietly, behind the scenes. And from the chaos all around us, “they” seem to have the winning hand.
This manipulation of life on earth is nothing new—it has been going on for a long time. But why is this situation not getting better, even though many people are aware of the problems and are joining in one way or another in the fight for the light? Why is there little improvement even though we have the best spiritual science available to us?
One possible explanation is that collectively we, the lightbearers on earth, are not yet equally matched in light to that high level of sabotage and destruction that comes from “the other side.” So what can and should we do about this?
Let’s Take Control
Somewhere in our subconscious or conscious mind we’re all dreaming of being superheroes. We don’t necessarily want to bounce around the planet in cape and mask and knock out the bad guys. But if you are like me, you have soul memories of other times, long forgotten times, when the ability to direct and control energy and consciousness was somehow much easier, much more direct and effective. Do I have that right?
These could be memories of long forgotten golden ages on Atlantis and Lemuria, when mankind collectively was much more spiritually capable than is now the case. Those glorious days of past attainment are far behind us, but that doesn’t mean we are helpless in the face of the darkness on this planet.
I believe that even in our day and age it’s possible to become a spiritual superhero. An adept, that is. And by becoming spiritual adepts, we will be able to master our own lives and turn the dire situation in the world around.
Imagine being wholly past this point of needing to rely on our human self because we haven’t fully integrated with our own divine potential.
Imagine being completely in the flow of the divine consciousness, at all times.
What a tremendous new freedom and creativity would that bring.
That’s the kind of creative freedom I envision as the hallmark of adeptship.

We would like to invite you to the
next level of training by joining our online
Crash Course in Adeptship.

Now is the Time!
Enough said! I pray you will let your heart tell you whether SU’s Crash Course in Adeptship is the next step for you. If so, I’m very happy you will join us in this great work of the Spirit!