Field Seminars


Are you looking for a personal transformative experience but don’t have time to take an online course? Every year, Summit University hosts a wide range of seminars in locations throughout the world. These powerful, affordable weekend events give you the opportunity to spend quality time with yourself and with God, enabling you to explore the next step on your spiritual path.

Host a Seminar

Host a Summit University Seminar

Summit University currently offers several three-day seminars in multiple languages, which are held on a regular basis in locations all around the world.  If your group is interested in hosting one of these seminars in your city, please contact:  

Note: Not all seminars are available in all languages. Please check with  regarding a particular seminar's language availability.

Seminar Types

Introductory Level Seminars

Experience the Light Within
with the Three Wise Men – El Morya, Kuthumi, and Djwal Kul
Make a detailed study of your seven chakras and explore the unlimited possibilities hidden within the spiritual light that infuses and vitalizes your body, mind and soul.

Fundamentals of the Teachings Seminars:

Champions of Light! Conquer the Dark Side of Life
with Durga, Mighty Astrea, and Archangel Michael
Gain in-depth knowledge of life in the invisible realms of this planet—the good, the bad and everything in between.  Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones and your community from astral influences and hone your skills as a champion of light! 

Darshan with the Messenger: Embrace Your Sacred Labor with Godfre, Gautama Buddha, and the Great Divine Director
Bring renewed purpose and direction to your life with this inspiring seminar that ties creating a personal mission statement to your sacred labor—your highest divine calling on the spiritual path. 

The Odyssey of Your Soul
with the World Teachers Jesus and Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya and Mighty Victory
Dive into the depths of your psychology and learn the keys for self-mastery with this profound seminar on the twelve tests of Odysseus—the archetype of the human soul on the path of initiation. 

The Re-Creation of Self: Healing with Mother Mary
with Mother Mary and the Great Lord Sanat Kumara
Learn about the Blessed Mother Mary as healer of the soul and as psychologist supreme.  With penetrating insight into the human equation, she will guide you on the path to wholeness and the abundant life.

The Science of Life: Defend the Sanctity of the Soul
with Jesus Christ, Hilarion, Pallas Athena and the Brotherhood of Truth
How do I heal my own soul?  How do I share a sense of purpose and wholeness with others?  And how do I restore and defend the sanctity of life, especially where it is most helpless—in the womb?  Come and decode the science of life and join forces with like-minded souls in the flame of living truth!

Intermediate Level Seminars:

Darshan with the Messenger: The Torch is Passed! Embrace the Mission of the Messenger
with Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha and Morya El
Explore the fullness of the legacy that Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, left to the world, and discover your own role in taking up the torch of her mission—and how to make it your own! 

The Fire of Initiation: Embrace the Deep Mysteries of the Heart
with Lady Master Nada and the Hierarchs of the Ruby Ray: Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya and Jesus Christ
What is initiation?Why has it been used throughout the ages in mystery schools and in the sacred relationship between guru and chela? What is its purpose and how does it work? Find answers to these questions and more in this soul-stirring seminar that will propel you to new spiritual heights. 

The Path of the Bodhisattva, Part 1: Develop the Compassionate Heart
with Kuan Yin and Gautama Buddha
Explore the path of the Bodhisattva—the age-old path, so relevant for our time, of those who live to set life free—and learn how to develop a divinely compassionate heart. 

The Path of the Bodhisattva, Part 2: Develop the Pure Heart
with Mighty Cosmos and the Lords of the Seven Rays
Explore the path of the bodhisattva—the age-old path, so relevant for our time, of those who live to set life free—and develop the strength to persevere to the end, through the strength of a pure heart. 

The Path of the Bodhisattva, Part 3: Develop the Fiery Heart
with Saint Germain, Lord Lanto and the Buddha of the Ruby Ray
Explore the path of the Bodhisattva—the age-old path, so relevant for our time, of those who live to set life free—and discover why the fiery heart is the key to becoming a bodhisattva in this age! 

The Path of the Eastern Adept: Discover the Science of the Spirit
with El Morya and Kuthumi
Find out why the ascended masters urge their students to pursue adeptship—and receive valuable tools and techniques for how to attain that goal! 

Understanding Yourself, Part 1
with Kuthumi, Lord Lanto, and God Meru
Learn the mysteries of true, God-free being as you study the profound teachings and instructions of Kuthumi, sage of old and Master Psychologist. 

Understanding Yourself, Part 2
with Kuthumi, Lord Lanto, and God Meru
Part 2 in the “Understanding Yourself” series will give you tremendous insight into the mechanisms of habit formation and show you how to gain mastery over each of your four lower bodies—etheric, mental, emotional and physical. 

Understanding Yourself, Part 3
with Kuthumi, Lord Lanto and God Meru
Part 3 of the “Understanding Yourself” series dissects the human ego and will take you to new heights of being that you will not soon forget. 

Refund Policy for SU Virtual (Broadcast) Seminars

Students will be able to request cancellation of their enrollment in an SU Virtual (Broadcast) Seminar prior to and during the first morning of their seminar without financial penalties. Requests for cancellation of enrollment after the first morning will incur financial penalties based on the schedule below. 

Cancellations can be requested by contacting the SU Registrar at Cancellations will be processed by having tuition/fees credited to the student’s account. No refunds will be made for dropping courses/seminars except in cases where a student can demonstrate financial hardship and/or an inability to access their online course due to technical difficulties. 

The refund schedule is as follows: 

    • Before or during the first morning of SU Virtual (Broadcast) Seminar: No penalties; Tuition/fees credited to student’s account.
    • After the end of the first morning of the SU Virtual (Broadcast) Seminar, but still during the live seminar broadcast: 20% of tuition will be forfeited as a deferral fee (per seminar); Remaining tuition/fees credited to student’s account.  
    • During the first 7 days of the replay period: 50% of tuition will be forfeited as a deferral fee (per seminar); Remaining tuition/fees credited to student’s account.  
    • 8th day of replay period or later: No cancellations will be honored.