With the Great Guru Sanat Kumara, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Archangel Jophiel, Archeia Hope, and Masters of Illumination’s Ray

With the Great Guru Sanat Kumara, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Archangel Jophiel, Archeia Hope, and Masters of Illumination’s Ray
The call of love beckons you to the secret chamber of the heart—

to meet your Lord, the bridegroom, at the appointed hour. The wedding date is set. Yet your wedding garment is not completely woven. And the Son of God, one with your True Self, commands you to hurry. The hour is late, and souls are being lost amid a great war of darkness on earth.
But I am just one soul keeping the flame of life on this planet, you say. What can I do when the darkness seems insurmountable? Archangel Gabriel tells us that the person “who will claim his Christhood and call forth the Father and the Son to take up their abode in his temple may displace the darkness of ten thousand-times-ten thousand individuals.”1
The real question is: Have you claimed your Christhood, have you become the living Teaching and the living Word—the Light of the World? Or is there something holding you back, keeping you from fully answering Jesus’ Call: “I command you to allow that Christ to descend into your temple.” Your Christhood can save a world. But only when you put the fullness of your Christhood into action.
If you desire with all your heart to be the Light of the World yet feel that something is preventing you from that permanent bonding to your Christ Self, join us this summer for an unforgettable retreat to learn powerful keys to becoming the Christ and discover what it truly means to Be the Light of the World!

Highlights include:
Learn why individual Christhood is the only solution to planetary Darkness and the key to reaching the lightbearers trapped in the Darkness.
Study enlightening teachings on Christhood, including unpublished Summit University lectures, and engage in meditations and devotions for accelerating on the path of personal Christhood.

Participate in interactive workshops designed to help you see as Christ sees, think as Christ thinks, and feel as Christ feels.

Understand the forces that oppose your Christhood and what you can do about them.

Take time for personal reflection on what it means for you to pursue the imitation of Christ and be Christhood in action.

Connect with likeminded pursuers of Christhood and develop plans for reaching out to lightbearers in need of the Light of the World.

Be inspired by dictations from ascended masters such as Archangel Jophiel, Archeia Hope, Sanat Kumara, Jesus Christ, the Maha Chohan, and Helios and Vesta.
And much more!
I come also because you have need of me, and though you know it not, beloved, I shall explain.
There are a number of necessities that are before each and every Keeper of the Flame. Be it understood, then, that when there is a movement toward the community of Light settled on a planet of pilgrims who seek no continuing city but to keep a flame, there does appear a “moving in” of fallen ones, and they surround and they press in until those who are the devotees can scarcely bear the burden of that Darkness.
In that moment, beloved, there is only one solution and that solution is individual Christhood.
Pre-Registration (through June 28): $350/person (onsite and virtual) Registration (June 29–July 6): $400/person (onsite and virtual)
Registration cancellations will be processed minus a $50 fee
through July 6.
To register, visit: SummitUniversity.org/BeTheLight
Atendees must have a good foundational understanding of the teachings of the ascended masters and the Science of the Spoken Word. Minimum age: 15. The seminar will be translated into Spanish and Portuguese. Bring your own radio and headset.
The seminar begins on Thursday, July 6 at 9:15 am MT in King Arthur’s Court at the Inner Retreat and online and concludes on Monday, July 10, at 6 pm MT.
Summit University offers 10 youth scholarships for full-time students ages 18–24. For more information and an application form, contact Lilian Alvarado (lalvarado@SummitUniversity.org) by June 10, 2023.
Information about available transportation, housing and meals can be found at: SummitUniversity.org/BeTheLight

Required: The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis (various editions); Students also need a physical or digital journal for journaling in their “Diary of My Christhood” throughout the seminar.

The Path of the Higher Self and The Path of the Universal Christ by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet (Summit University Press®)
- Archangel Gabriel, Pearls of Wisdom®, vol. 30, no. 53. 2. Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom®, vol. 32, no. 60.
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Updated News about Traveling to the United States
If you are hoping to travel to the July Conference from outside of the U.S., there is some good news. COVID-19 vaccine requirements have been discontinued for those entering the U.S.:
Travelers to Enter the U.S. at Land Ports of Entry