Be the Sevenfold Flame of Saint Germain!


with El Morya, Lanello and Elohim Apollo and Lumina


I have a question for you. Who here likes adventure? Who enjoys a good treasure hunt?

I’ve got great news for all of you!

You may not know it, but there’s a unique spiritual treasure hunt going on – in Europe!

Or maybe I should call it a divine quest. It’s a quest that many European Keepers of the Flame are participating in.

Would you like to know what they are searching for?

Well… They’re searching for an amazing spiritual treasure: a huge, powerful, sevenfold flame!

This sevenfold flame was ignited in Europe by Archangel Jophiel and Christine in 1981. They described it as “a mighty central pillar of white fire, of illumination, and of the radiating centers of the seven rays arranged in a causal-body manifestation.” This pillar of white fire “contains the seven rays in concentration, one after the other, in a circular, spiraling, upward-moving fashion.”

Jophiel and Christine explained that the purpose of this flame is to help lightbearers from all of the different root races fulfill and redeem their spiritual paths. The seven plumes of this giant flame maintain the Christ consciousness of each of the seven rays, as a magnet for all of the lightbearers that at one time or another incarnated on the European continent. I think it’s safe to say that that includes many of us, if not all of us!

Not much later, also in 1981, Saint Germain said in a dictation given in Holland that this flame, planted by Jophiel and Christine as well as by the Great Divine Director, is “a rallying point for the victory of this continent.” He added that “Each and every nation—bearing the banner of Sanat Kumara, marching to the center, marching to that focus of that mighty flame in Europe—must play its role unique and a part of the heart of the World Mother.”

So, that’s quite a flame and quite a mission!

The only problem is, we don’t know where this sevenfold flame is anchored. Jophiel and Christine only said that the flame is planted in “the very heart of Europe,” and that it radiates from that point through the entire continent. And then they teased us to go and find it: “By and by, we will release to you the knowledge of the epicenter of that flame.”

So—last year, during our SU retreat in the Netherlands, we initiated the quest for the flame. We studied the dictations that speak about it, and then we did a meditation exercise to tune in to where it might be. Every participant then stuck a pin in a large map of Europe to indicate where they felt the flame might be located.

The results weren’t unanimous, but guess which location came out on top, with the most pins?  Vienna!

This ancient town in Austria, in the heart of Europe, has a long tradition of freedom. And of course, it’s the cradle of the waltz music that we love so much.

Now, to be clear, we don’t mean to proclaim that the sevenfold flame of Europe is located in or near Vienna. We don’t know. But it’s a great place to come together and continue the quest.

So that’s what we’re going to do this summer: SU is going back to Vienna! And we hope that this time, lots of you from all over the world will join us in the quest for the sevenfold flame!

And we’re not only searching for the flame; we’re going to focus on finding the lightbearers of Europe and beyond—and we’re going to do it in a way that works with each of the seven rays of that sevenfold flame. After all, there are seven paths to Christhood, so we’re going to explore how each of us can explore and master outreach on our own major ray. Isn’t that exciting?

To make this very real, we’re going to study Saint Germain’s embodiments on the seven rays.

You may say, What do you mean? Isn’t Saint Germain a seventh-ray master? That’s true—but during his many embodiments, he showed us many manifestations of himself. Just to name a few: ruler, priest, prophet, philosopher, statesman, educator, writer, scientist and explorer. And in each of these different manifestations of himself, he drew to himself different circles of lightbearers who are now firmly connected to his heart.

So, this will be our focus in Vienna, August 14-17: We’ll do an in-depth study of how Saint Germain magnetized his students on each of the seven rays, and then come up with action plans for outreach that we ourselves can do on the seven rays to find the lightbearers of Europe and beyond.

If this speaks to your heart—if you’d like to join the quest for the sevenfold flame—we’d love to hear from you!

We’re not open for registration yet, but here’s what we’d like you to do:

[Details on preliminary sign-up]

The SU Team and I are looking forward to seeing you in August in Vienna!

Register Here!

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