Ascension. It’s a word full of mystery and wonder. It’s also the goal of life as defined by the ascended masters and their messengers. But it is not easy to measure one’s own progress on the spiritual path toward the ascension, Hence, the need for divinely directed discernment.

Enter Serapis Bey! As the Hierarch of the Ascension Temple at Luxor, this incomparable chohan, who loves your soul more than you’ll ever know, is ready to teach you from his very own manual, Dossier on the Ascension. He will show you what is important and what’s not in striving toward your ascension. And he will guide you on making the ascension an all-encompassing journey of love that will lead you right back to the heart of your very own divinity, your reunion with your very own I AM God Presence.

I call you to Luxor! I call you to take your entrance exam. For we are receiving students for a course that will endure throughout this year—a course on the ascension.

—Serapis Bey, Pearls of Wisdom® vol. 63 no. 21

This seminar includes:

  • Enlightening unpublished Summit University lectures from Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Dossier on the Ascension
  • Life-changing teachings on the threefold flame, the deathless solar body, balancing karma, chelaship, the path of initiation, divine friendship with the ascended masters and more
  • Illuminating exercises and reflections to help you discern your next steps on the path of the ascension
  • Inspiring dictations from Serapis Bey, Lanello and the ascended lady master Clara Louise on walking the path of the ascension
  • A special chakra blessing

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