The Magnet of the Heart


with the World Teachers Jesus and Kuthumi,
the Lords of the Seven Rays and the Maha Chohan

“The hour of Christhood in you is more important than any other event taking place upon this planet,” says the Great Guru Sanat Kumara. Why? Because a Christed one can hold the balance for millions in the earth—and because it is the well-developed Christ flame in the heart that can bring about real positive change in an overburdened world.

In this retreat we will study in depth the spiritual journey that leads to Christhood. Christhood comes gradually, over many lifetimes, as we walk the spiritual path and strive to become whole.

But you can accelerate this process by consciously developing the three great gifts of the heart: Power, Wisdom and Love. Therefore, in this seminar you will go deeply into the ascended masters’ teachings on the threefold flame—the Christ Flame—combined with practical exercises to determine your strengths and weaknesses in how to use that flame. For when the divine qualities of Power, Wisdom and Love are optimized within us, we become an unstoppable force for good, and a veritable magnet that attracts others to these sacred teachings, to Maitreya’s Mystery School, and to the Light!


he fire that you bank in the heart of the AUM becomes the magnet of your own I AM Presence which will magnetize by ineffable love the souls of the living into the joy of givingness that is life in Jesus Christ. The magnet of love, the magnet of wisdom, and the magnet of power that is your heart flame is the essence of your initiation on the path.

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Highlights you can look forward to:


  • Connect with Lord Maitreya through our daily Morning Ritual
  • Lectures on the Guru-Chela Relationship, the love between the Guru and the Chela and On Bonding to the Heart of the Guru
  • Workshops on the Threefold Flame, the flames of Love, Wisdom and Power the Seven Paths to Christhood
  • Threefold Flame Clearance to expand the light of your own heart flame
  • Profound dictations and in-depth review of each master's message





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