Conquer the Dark Side of Life
with Durga, Mighty Astrea and
Archangel Michael


What is life like on the other side of the veil?  What is the difference between the etheric plane (the “heaven world”) and the astral realm?  What is the purpose of these different planes of being and what happens there?   What is the truth about ghosts, discarnates, and malicious spirits that roam the astral plane? How can we protect ourselves and our loved ones from their unseen influence?  These questions and many more will be answered during this SU seminar.  Participants will not only learn a great deal about the invisible world, they will also hone their spiritual skills as champions of Light!

“Know this, therefore, beloved – that to embrace me and my fierceness is to be free forever from all demons and discarnates. And that embracing must take place every day of your life, beloved, yes, every day of your life.” —Durga

Topics include:

  • Three enlightening video lectures by the Elizabeth Clare Prophet on “Dealing with Death, Discarnates and Malevolent Spirits,” with in-depth teachings on ghosts, discarnates, malicious spirits, near-death experiences and devachan
  • Commentaries by Mrs. Prophet on the movies” Ghost” and “Flatliners”
  • How to use Archangel Michael’s sword of blue flame to protect yourself, your loved ones and your community from unseen negative influences originating in the astral plane


Dictations (audio/video replays) by: Archangel Michael, Mighty Astrea and the cosmic being Durga

Other seminar features: This seminar includes a unique purification ritual called a clearance, and concludes with a chakra blessing.

Level: Basic

Recommended texts (available from the SU Online Bookstore):

Leadbeater, C.W., The Astral Plane (various editions)
Leadbeater, C.W., The Devachanic Plane (various editions)
Prophet, Elizabeth Clare, Fallen Angels and the Origin of Evil (Summit University Press,  2000)
Prophet, Mark L., and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Paths of Light and Darkness (Summit University Press, 2005)
Prophet, Mark L., and Elizabeth Clare Prophet , The Enemy Within (The Summit Lighthouse Library, 2004)

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