The Re-Creation of Self—Healing with Mother Mary
With Mother Mary and the Great Lord Sanat Kumara

Learn about the Blessed Mother Mary as healer of the soul and as psychologist supreme. With penetrating insight into the human equation, she will guide you on the path to true healing and wholeness.
The Re-Creation of Self—Healing with Mother Mary is a seminar on the Blessed Mother, who serves on the green ray of healing, wholeness and abundance.

The seminar is focused on the healing and renewal of body, soul and spirit, with a special emphasis on the resolution of our personal psychology. Learn how to use spiritual tools like the healing thoughtform and the rosary for personal healing and discover what it means to truly re-create yourself.
Therefore it is now most essential that you assess yourself, the capacities of your respective four lower bodies, that you seek to increase those capacities and yet observe the law of the sine wave, of the going within, of the necessary rest, the necessary re-creation of the four lower bodies and the pacing of yourself. That pacing, beloved, is most essential because only in the cycles of time and space can all things be fulfilled.

—Mother Mary, Pearls of Wisdom Vol. 32 No. 44

Topics include:

• Mother Mary—her embodiments and her work as an ascended lady master
• The ascended master perspective on true healing
• The rosary
• The science of the immaculate concept and the healing thoughtform
• How to resolve your psychology, including overcoming deep-seated fear

Dictations (audio/video replays) by: Mother Mary and the Great Lord Sanat Kumara

Other seminar features:

This seminar includes a unique purification ritual called a clearance, and concludes with a chakra blessing.
Level: Basic
Length: 2.5-3 days

Recommended texts (available from the SU Online Bookstore):

• Prophet, Elizabeth Clare, with Annice Booth, The Age of the Divine Mother (Summit University Press, 2006)
• Prophet, Mark L., and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Mary’s Message for a New Day (Summit University Press, 2003)
• Prophet, Mark L., and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Mary’s Message of Divine Love (Summit University Press, 2004)

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