The Call of Sirius Part 2
“Embrace the Freedom of the Abundant Life”
With God Surya, Nada and Saint Germain

Amersfoort, the Netherlands
And Online

Beloved Keeper of the Flame,

Something is wrong. Or is it? For as long as we can remember, our nations have been plagued with problems—rising poverty and inflation, environmental challenges and climate change, civil unrest and brushes with war, and, most recently, restrictions and laws imposed on us to address a worldwide pandemic. Perhaps we believe these problems are just a normal part of society. After all, didn’t Jesus say, “The poor you will always have with you”? But something nags at us deep down inside that there’s more going on behind the scenes—and that something is wrong.

The ascended masters tell us that perpetual societal problems bordering on world chaos isn’t normal. They remind us of past utopian societies—golden ages when freedom and abundance were the status quo. And they teach us that what prevents us from living in a golden age today is two-fold: 1) our leaders are using human solutions to solve human problems and 2) there are forces of darkness at work behind the scenes trying to keep it that way. These evil forces know that if the people of the light start tackling human problems with divine solutions, their days of power and control are numbered.

What are the divine solutions that will heal our societal problems, restore personal and world freedom and abundance, and remove the forces of darkness from their positions of power?

Well, you’ll just have to come to Summit University’s The Call of Sirius, Part 2: Embrace the Freedom of the Abundant Life and find out!

The Call of Sirius, Part 2: Embrace the Freedom of the Abundant Life
from Friday, November 18 to Sunday, November 20, 2022
on-site in Amersfoort, the Netherlands, or online through Zoom.



• Timeless lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on the true nature of capitalism, communism, the fallacies of socialistic thinking, the way of the abundant life, spiritual antidotes and invoking the true spirit of patriotism to set the nations free.
• Selected dictations by the ascended masters to empower and enlighten us to defend and take back our freedoms and our rightful place as Christed leaders.
• In-depth study of Saint Germain’s solutions to ensure the economic survival of the nations.

Let us call Christ, then, “Truth”—for Truth is surely another name for the Universal Christ. When individuals espouse Truth at any cost and are willing to face the Truth of reality and unreality, then we have a strong foundation for golden-age man and golden-age woman to arise.

~Beloved Surya, “The Sun behind the Sun: God-Government and the Dedication to Truth,” Pearls of Wisdom vol. 28 no. 24, June 16, 1985

Always Victory!

The SU Team of Teaching Center Holland

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