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Free Units of Self-Study Courses

Try a free unit of one of our self-study courses. Choose from any of the topics below!

Zoom Training Library

By signing up to receive a free unit of our self-study courses, you will also receive our Summit University Updates every now and then. You can opt out of this newsletter at any time!

By signing up to receive a free unit of our self-study courses, you will also receive our Summit University Updates every now and then. You can opt out of this newsletter at any time!

META 0401 – The Magic Power of Cosmic Law

By signing up to receive a free unit of our self-study courses, you will also receive our Summit University Updates every now and then. You can opt out of this newsletter at any time!

By signing up to receive a free unit of our self-study courses, you will also receive our Summit University Updates every now and then. You can opt out of this newsletter at any time!

META 0401 – The Magic Power of Cosmic Law
META 0401 – The Magic Power of Cosmic Law

By signing up to receive a free unit of our self-study courses, you will also receive our Summit University Updates every now and then. You can opt out of this newsletter at any time!

By signing up to receive a free unit of our self-study courses, you will also receive our Summit University Updates every now and then. You can opt out of this newsletter at any time!

RELS 0701 - Unveiled Mysteries

Victory Email Series

If you're looking for a way
to replace annoying negatives in your life
with something VICTORIOUS,
then this should do the trick!


Join Summit University students around the world in a
FREE study of Mighty Victory's dictations
published in the book The Mandate of Victory!

Enter your email address to
sign up for our Free Weekly
Victory Email Series

Note: By signing up for Summit University's Free Weekly Victory Emails Series,
you are also agreeing to subscribe to receive monthly email updates
from Summit University.

Sign up now and you will receive
your first week's email in a few minutes.

After this email, you will receive
one email per week for 40 weeks.
Look for emails from!

 Free Adeptship Resources

Somewhere in our subconscious or conscious minds we’re all dreaming of being superheroes. We don’t necessarily want to bounce around the planet in a cape and mask and knock out the bad guys. But do we perhaps have soul memories of other times, long forgotten times, when the ability to direct and control energy and consciousness was somehow much easier, much more direct and effective, than it is now?

These could be memories of long-forgotten golden ages on Atlantis and Lemuria when mankind collectively was much more spiritually capable than is now the case. Those glorious days of past attainment are far behind us, but that doesn’t mean we are helpless in the face of the darkness and evil we see in the world.

The ascended masters teach that it is still possible to become a spiritual superhero—an adept. Adepts are conscious co-creators with God who work to hold the balance of light on our planet. But it takes a path of striving to become an adept. It's this path of adeptship that we study in Summit University.


 Conversations on Adeptship Video Series

Learn more about what it means to walk the path of adeptship in this three-part video series.

Biweekly Adeptship Email Series

Are you interested in receiving inspiring emails about the deeper teachings of adeptship? When you sign up for this biweekly email series, you’ll get a free copy of an Adeptship Resource List, which contains cool information on the subject, as well as suggestions for further study.

Book Study on The Human Aura

Are you interested in learning about the human aura? Would like to understand this fascinating topic better? In this free email series you can read 24 study & practice lessons to study the human aura together with the ascended master Kuthumi.

Maitreya Book Study Group Resources*

In addition to tools for individual study, we also have free group study resources available.

Maitreya - Teachings from the Mystery School
  • Take a giant leap towards personal Christhood.
  • Experience joyful community as you take a deep dive into teachings from Maitreya’s Mystery School.
  • Discover those profound points of the law that will help you pass the initiations of the Mystery School.

Two thousand years ago, Maitreya sent forth an inner call to his disciple, Jesus, to come and find him. And so Jesus set out for the Himalayas to find the Father, Maitreya.

Now, once again, Maitreya sends forth the call. Are you one of these fiery spirits that Maitreya Buddha is calling?

In a 1984-dictation by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Jesus announced the opening of Maitreya’s Mystery School. Soon thereafter, Lord Maitreya began a series of profound discourses. He asked us to search these teachings and to discover in them the keys to this Age of Maitreya.

We have gathered all of Maitreya’s dictations delivered through our messenger, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, between 1984 and 1997, plus dictations from the same period by ascended masters expounding upon on Maitreya’s Mystery School teachings. This book study will enable you to search out those keys to anchoring the consciousness of the Cosmic Christ in your own life.

    *While the book study material is available at no cost, it is necessary to have a copy of “The Maitreya Discourses” for your studies. You can buy the book either here or on

    SU's Zoom Training Library

    Learn Zoom to assist your Summit Lighthouse outreach and community growth!

    Though this Zoom training is free to all, it was primarily designed for members of The Summit Lighthouse who are interested in learning Zoom.

    Though this Zoom training is free to all, it was primarily designed for members of The Summit Lighthouse who are interested in learning Zoom.

      Learn how to use Zoom! You'll get access to:

      • Links to helpful Zoom resources
      • A Facilitator Guide to get started
      • A Participants Guide
      • A library of recorded trainings from TSL members on how to use Zoom for Community Building, Spiritual Study and SU Online Extension Courses!
      • Click on the button below.
      • Enter the password: LearnZoom!
      • Click the Submit button.

      Zoom Training Library

      NOTE: If you are an SU online student in academic, extension, seminar or adeptship courses and you do not see the Password box (or the Zoom Training Library) right away, you may need to do one or more of the following to be directed into the course: a) refresh your browser, b) clear your browser history, or c) logout of your SU student account and then try the link again.

      Need help? Contact SU Tech Support at