Course Number: RELS 1005
We live in a global culture where people of all races and nations travel far and wide and mingle easily in person and on the Internet. In this global melting pot, it is important to have a basic familiarity with the predominant cultures and beliefs on the planet.
RELS 1005 is designed to give you a working knowledge of the major religious beliefs and practices that shape the worldviews of large segments of the global population. After a brief review of some of the religions of the ancient worlds, including Egyptian, Greek, Persian and Norse religions, you will spend quality time on what are considered the seven major world religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Selected source text readings and enlightening teachings on the mystical aspects of each of the world religions will round out your understanding and give you the confidence to strike up a conversation with any adherents of these religions who may cross your path.
Hours per week: Students should plan to set aside 7-9 hours per week to complete their weekly course work. There are eight units in this course. Students are expected to complete one unit every two weeks.
Textbook Information: RELS 1005 Textbook Information Sheet [PDF]
To take this course, you must be a credit or audit student in the Summit University Online, and it must be a required or elective component of your program of study. Interested in applying to Summit University? Visit our Application Process page to apply today!
This course is typically offered during SU’s fall semester. Some courses need a minimum number of enrolled students in order to be scheduled. Some also have a maximum number of students who can take the course during a semester.
This information is subject to change without notice.