Dedique cinco dias que transformarão a sua vida estudando ensinamentos inéditos da Summit University do Grande Iniciador, Senhor Maitreya. Descubra por meio da meditação e da prática, como se tornar o Buda da gentileza em ação.
Ensinamentos dos Mestres Ascensos
O Grande Guru Sanat Kumara disse: “A hora da Cristicidade em vós é mais importante do que qualquer outro evento ocorrendo neste planeta”.1 Porém, dar à luz a Luz Crística em nós mesmos não é fácil. Precisamos de um instrutor que possa nos guiar pelas etapas e estágios necessários para manifestar nossa Cristicidade no aqui e agora.
Eis o Mestre Ascenso Senhor Maitreya! O Guru e instrutor de Jesus, o Cristo. O Grande Iniciador. O Cristo Cósmico e o Buda Planetário. O Buda Vindouro que veio nesta Era de Aquário para nos lembrar que nós também podemos ser uma luz para a humanidade como os Cristos e os Budas que vieram antes de nós. Ele nos mostra um caminho de meditação e iniciação por meio do qual podemos ancorar a luz do nosso Eu Superior no mundo atual. Ele nos ensina como nos tornarmos ele mesmo em ação. E exige que, nesse processo, façamos as pazes com ele como o Grande Iniciador de nossas almas, que deixamos há muito tempo quando partimos de sua Escola de Mistérios na antiga Lemúria.
Não importa se Maitreya não lhe é familiar ou se você tem buscado esse Buda há muito tempo, venha e vivencie os ensinamentos mais profundos da Summit University, transmitidos pelo próprio Grande Iniciador. O Senhor Maitreya, o Buda da gentileza, está pronto para iniciá-lo em sua chama dourada. Mas, como em todas as iniciações, você precisa dar o primeiro passo. Participe da Summit University neste verão e descubra como você pode se tornar o Buda da gentileza em ação para a salvação do nosso mundo.
Participe da Summit University neste verão e descubra como você pode se tornar o Buda da Bondade Amorosa em ação para a salvação do nosso mundo.
In order to receive the great spiritual light released during this seminar, students are required
to attend in-person at the Inner Retreat in Montana. No virtual student option will be available for this seminar.
The seminar includes the opportunity to receive an increment of golden yellow light transferred by Lord Maitreya
to the crown chakra through the Messenger's special topaz ring.
Highlights include:
- Learn about theBuddha Maitreya and feel his great love for your soul
- Experience the transformative spiral of Summit University’s 1979 unpublished seminar
- Maitreya on Meditation given through his Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet—given only at The Summit Lighthouse Headquarters in Montana
- Practice meditation techniques with like-minded devotees and discover why meditation is a critical practice on the path of personal Christhood
- Hear inspiring dictations from Jesus the Christ and his teacher Lord Maitreya on audio and video
- Explore what it means for you personally to become the Buddha of Loving Kindness in action!

Highlights include:
- Learn about theBuddha Maitreya and feel his great love for your soul
- Experience the transformative spiral of Summit University’s 1979 unpublished seminar
- Maitreya on Meditation given through his Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet—given only at The Summit Lighthouse Headquarters in Montana
- Practice meditation techniques with like-minded devotees and discover why meditation is a critical practice on the path of personal Christhood
- Hear inspiring dictations from Jesus the Christ and his teacher Lord Maitreya on audio and video
- Explore what it means for you personally to become the Buddha of Loving Kindness in action!
Save the Date!
Summer Seminar Retreat: July 6-10, 2024
Transportation, Housing & Meals
Just getting to the Royal Teton Ranch is quite the pilgrimage—airlines, rental cars, places to stay, and meal options all factor into the travel arrangements. We have gathered the following to help you plan your itinerary.
How to get here
We are located just off Highway 89, Park County, Montana on the banks of the Yellowstone River just 10 miles north of Yellowstone National Park.
The Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport flights are available from numerous airlines to over 20 cities in the United States, with connections all over the world. For more information, visit BozemanAirport.com.
TSL Van rides
Airport van rides will be available for this event. Please see the ride information below. The Bozeman Airport is 90 miles away from the Ranch. Donations to defray our costs are appreciated.
Arrival van rides from Bozeman Airport:
June 27 and June 28 at 1:00 p.m. (all times are MDT)
No Pick-up or Departure rides during the 6-day Conference
Departure van rides to Bozeman Airport:
July 5 at 9:00 a.m. and July 11 at 9:00 a.m.
Please fill out the following short online form to secure your seat on these van rides:
Transportation Form
Please make your reservations early. Rental cars are also available at the Bozeman Airport.
Where to Eat
Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served daily at the cafeteria during the conference.
TSL Cafeteria
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be served daily at the Ranch Headquarters Cafeteria during the conference. When you register, meals may be purchased at these discounted prices:
- Adults: $14/meal
- Children (Ages 4–14): $6.50/meal
You may also purchase meals in person with cash or credit card. In addition, there are a few local restaurants in nearby Gardiner (~10 miles south of the event site).
Where to stay
Housing at RTR is limited and largely reserved for volunteers supporting the conference. Please make your housing reservations in Gardiner or one of the nearby rental properties before registering.
Rentals at the Inner Retreat
On-site ranch housing may become available for conference attendees. If you’re interested in housing, you can fill out the following online form to request to be on the waitlist.
Housing Form
Lodging at Yellowstone Hot Springs Resort
RV camper spaces, cabins, and camping may be available at Yellowstone Hot Springs. Please contact the campground office at rvandcamp@yellowstonehotspringsmt.com or by phone/text at (406) 589-7350.
Yellowstone Treasure Cabins rentals in Gardiner
Accommodations may be available with Yellowstone Treasure Cabins in Gardiner. For reservations, visit YTCabins.com
Hotels and motels
For motels and other accommodation options in Gardiner, contact the Gardiner Chamber of Commerce:
Children's Program
Parents who would like to attend the seminar have some children programming options during the seminar. Options are based on each child's age during the seminar (July 6-10, 2024).
For Children Ages 0-5: A parent co-op area will be available during the seminar. Details coming soon.
For Children Ages 6-12: A children's program for ages 6-12 will be available during the seminar. Details and pricing coming soon.
For Teens Ages 13-14: Teens are welcome to volunteer in the kitchen during the Summit University Seminar. This is a great way to build skills and receive community service hours! Details coming soon.
For Teens Ages 15-18: Teens in this age category have the option of attending the seminar program as a student (see the Youth Scholarship section for details on youth scholarships) or volunteer in the kitchen. Details about volunteering will be available soon.
NOTE: No child or teen can be on The Summit Lighthouse Headquarters campus without parental or program supervision.
Volunteer Options
There are limited volunteer options available for this summer seminar, based on seminar needs and volunteer skills and experience. Due to the nature of this seminar, students who have previously volunteered during a Summer SU Seminar may only want to attend as a student. For questions about volunteering, please contact the SU Manager's Assistant Lilian Alvarado at lalvarado@SummitUniversity.org. All volunteer requests will be processed in conjunction with The Summit Lighthouse Volunteers In Action (VIA) Team.