FREE SU Alchemy Masterclass

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Alchemy 1: The Secrets of Precipitation

Why Alchemy

My Journey

What Is Alchemy

About the Course


Pursue Alchemy!

A Personal Invitation from Carla Groenewegen,
Former Director of Summit University

Why Alchemy?

Last year, Summit University launched a brand-new program on adeptship. Adeptship—a wonderful, mysterious term that holds great promise.  

What is adeptship, you might ask?  

The ascended masters explain that a true adept is an initiate of the Great White Brotherhood of a high degree of attainment, especially in the control of Matter, physical forces, nature spirits and bodily functions. The adept is fully the alchemist undergoing advanced initiations of the sacred fire on the path of the ascension.  

This definition tells us that the adept is primarily an alchemist. Actually, an accomplished alchemist with a lot of attainment was called adeptus, in mediaeval Neo-Latin. This is where our modern use of the term “adept” comes from.  

An adept is primarily an alchemist because the alchemist is the person who strives to understand nature to its fullest and consciously cooperate with it. The alchemist is also the person who strives to fully understand himself or herself, and, in the terminology of alchemy, transform the base elements of one’s psychology into the gold of the enlightened consciousness. The archetype of the adept and the alchemist is the wizard—the wise one who is able to master him or herself and thereby gain access to the forces of nature to work the miracles of God.  

We started this program because adeptship is sorely needed in a time when our society and our world is faced with major challenges and seems to be crumbling beneath our feet. We need wise ones, adepts who can provide a counterweight and counterforce to these challenges. When culture is slowly degrading and disintegrating, it takes mature men and women of the Spirit to quietly rebuild it and prepare for a new age.  

After all, rebuilding society according to higher, divine principles takes courageous people who are not afraid to pursue the calling of becoming co-creators with God. That’s the most basic definition of an adept and an alchemist: becoming a co-creator with God. 

What’s Happening in Society Today?

As you know, society has become permeated with people who seek only their material welfare and comfort. Wherever we look life around us has become terribly self-centered and materialistic—because people have lost sight of God, the divine within the creation.  

In essence, our job as aspiring adepts and alchemists is restore the flow of Spirit into Matter—and liberate Matter from the imperfect matrices placed upon it so it can return to Spirit.  

So how do we tackle this?  

Pursue Your Mastery in Adeptship by Practicing Alchemy  

In the Crash Course on Adeptship, we laid the foundation for mastering ourselves in the four quadrants of being—physical, emotional, mental, and in the etheric or memory body.

We also explored the basics of spiritual science and studied the path of initiation under the ascended masters that will keep us solidly on the right track as we enter the deep sciences of the Spirit.  

That first adeptship course is not a prerequisite for studying alchemy but if you haven’t taken it, I strongly recommend that you take that course as well so you fully understand the context of what we are trying to do as we pursue mastery in adeptship.  

Now, we’re going to go into specialized training—because it’s training, more than just knowledge, that we need to become practicing adepts. 

And we're starting with the science of alchemy!

My Journey 

As the former director of Summit University, a modern-day mystery school sponsored by the Great White Brotherhood, I’m very excited to be communicating with you about studying and practicing the science of alchemy—not at some far point in the future but right here and now!  

You may ask, is this really possible? Through a lot of trial and error, I have found in my own journey that it is. And I have also discovered that it takes training and practice in daily life to pursue the science of alchemy.  

In my late 20s, I had the opportunity to translate the occult classic Saint Germain on Alchemy into Dutch, while I was living in my home country of Holland. The experience was amazing—an all-consuming study with the words and principles of the Master Alchemist. But it almost left me penniless, due to my complete focus on the task at hand and my lack of attention on my day-to-day finances and bills.  

I am almost embarrassed to admit that at that time, I didn’t make the connection between the alchemy lessons in the book I was translating and how using alchemy could help me pay my bills. After quite a search for any sort of work and finding nothing, I made a powerful plea to Saint Germain for help. What I learned through the events that outplayed afterwards was that you should be careful of what you ask for, and that Saint Germain has a wonderful sense of humor—and he won’t hesitate to use it to teach us what we need to learn.  

I have learned many other lessons about alchemy over the years—through trial and error, exploration, study and practice—especially through Saint Germain’s quintessential handbook on alchemy: Saint Germain on Alchemy. And may I say that there is nothing quite like the challenge of translating a book from its original language into one’s native tongue to catalyze understanding of a subject!  

Please understand that I am not claiming to be an adept or an alchemist. Be it far from me to make such a claim. But the practice of alchemy and the pursuit of adeptship is not new to me. And in the course of the pursuit and practice, there is the learning, the growing, the moments of profound experiences and deep understanding. Yes, I witness to the fact that the science of alchemy has transformed my life.

What Is Alchemy?

Alchemy is a wonderful, inspiring, creative subject.
But what is alchemy really?

The essence of alchemy is the concept of transmutation. Transmutation means, “The action of changing something into another form.”  

Alchemists were keen observers of nature. They noticed how nature constantly changes and transforms itself.  

Rain falls from the sky, collects in rivers, lakes and seas, water evaporates, and forms new rain. On the way, it changed form from drops to flowing water to vapor or steam back to drops. But also, rain falls from the sky, softens the soil, plant seeds absorb the water, the seed turns into a plant that takes in water and nutrients from the soil to express its own unique manifestation; it produces seeds and the cycle repeats itself. Water and soil and sunlight cause a seed to change form to a plant.  

Heat and cold have a strong influence on form as well. Cold causes things to densify and solidify. Heat causes them to expand and increase in elasticity and liquidity.  

We speak about these things so easily and casually but when you think about it, nature is one big laboratory that shows us the art and science of change.  

Most of mankind are just observers of these processes—but alchemists, like proto-scientists, are determined to find out what drive these changes and learn how to influence and control them.

Why Learn Alchemy Today?

The study and practice of alchemy dates back many thousands of years. It has a rich history that weaves through both eastern and western philosophies and religions. But given some of the goals of the ancient and medieval alchemists—changing base metals into gold, for example—the purpose of alchemy may feel a little out of place in today’s world.  

Yet, the ascended master Saint Germain has given us an entire book of instruction on this topic for our use in the twenty-first century.  

And, he has a specific purpose in teaching us about alchemy: to help us become adepts—conscious co-creators with God.  

It is most interesting that the teachings of the ascended masters are permeated with alchemical terms and concepts, and that the word “alchemy” shows up literally thousands of times in our books, lectures and dictations. In most cases, the masters refer to spiritual alchemy—the transformation of Self into the highest manifestation and attainment of what we can be.  

But then there are Saint Germain’s books on alchemy, where he teaches us both spiritual and physical alchemy. In the upcoming course on alchemy we are going to work with his teachings and study both of these expressions of alchemy.  

Additionally, we are aware of individuals who use the practice of alchemy for dark purposes. For whatever reason, they choose to develop mastery on the left-handed side of life rather than the right-handed side. These people really work hard to become black magicians.  

Should we not work equally hard to become masters of the spiritual arts?  

Perhaps we don’t quite see the necessity.  

But regardless, the masters want us to.  

Saint Germain says in the opening chapter of his book:

Let everyone who begins this study do so with the understanding that I have a purpose in speaking here and that that purpose is to make each one of you alchemists in the truest sense of the word. 

This means that you must become familiar at inner levels with the all-chemistry of God and how each facet of creation is brought into manifestation in Matter, in your consciousness, and in your daily life.

Our Challenge Today

You can see that with all of what we have been given but have perhaps not practiced, we have a job to do.  

Our challenge is to become the magicians of the future. The Merlins of the Aquarian Age. Saint Germain, the Wonderman, in embodiment.  

Too often we have given in to the forces of inertia in our lives that let us get away with not pursing alchemy. And we're seeing the results of our lack of alchemy in society first-hand.  

Let’s consciously decide that enough is enough and that here and now, we who are striving to become adepts will wholeheartedly embrace the sacred science of alchemy.  

Why? Because Saint Germain needs us—every one of us—to become more masterful and adept in practicing his Sacred Science to make this world a better place for all.

We would love to invite you to our newest
adeptship training course
Alchemy 1: The Secrets of Precipitation.

This hands-on training course is where we are going to take our
understanding of adeptship to the next level!

What's in the Alchemy 1 Course?

Let me tell you what you can expect in this new course.  

The course consists of six 90-minute webinar replays that cover Saint Germain on Alchemy, Book 1, Studies in Alchemy

In webinar replays 1 and 2, we'll begin with the six preliminary chapters, that set the tone and the conditions for successful, divinely inspired alchemy. 

Then, in webinar replays 3-5 we’ll make a detailed study of Chapter 7, “Methods of Transfer,” where Saint Germain gives us the Nine Steps of Precipitation, together with many hidden keys on show to apply these steps.

In the last webinar replay, number 6, we’ll conclude our study with the remaining two chapters (8 and 9).

In every webinar replay the following is included:

  • Introduction to key figures in alchemy—including Hermes Trismegistus, Apollonius of Tyana, Geber (Jabir), Roger Bacon, Albertus Magnus, Paracelsus, Raymond Lullius, van Helmont, John Dee, Giordano Bruno, and the Count Saint Germain
  • Overview of the seven main metals the alchemists worked with, and their corresponding planets
  • Overview of the seven key transformative processes of alchemy
  • Explanation of alchemical terms, so you can build up your vocabulary
  • Hands-on Exercises—ranging from meditation and visualization to actual chemical and physical experiments 
  • Recommended reading

In addition to the webinar replays, you’ll get access to the Alchemy 1 Course, where you’ll find:

  • Supplemental materials
  • Webinar replays
  • Self-check quizzes to test your comprehension of the subject matter
  • Forums to discuss your studies and findings with fellow students
  • Homework assignments

The last unit will include a substantial quiz that acts as your final exam. Once you pass it (you can try as often as you like), you’ll receive your certificate of completion.

And now, for the icing on the cake:
All students who complete the course and receive their certification will be invited to participate in a secret group alchemy project.  

I won’t tell you what it is—it’s a secret!—but I can promise you it’ll be
most interesting and exciting—something you won’t want to miss. 

Attendance Options

It’s only natural for our students to feel they have only so much time to devote to the pursuit of becoming an alchemist. At this time we are offering one attendance option, but others may become available again at a future date.

Option 1: Webinar Replays

Attend the 6 webinar replays, receive the instructional handouts and training assignments and have access to the archived recordings for 1 year, so you can go back over the material as often as you like.  

Option 2: Webinar Replays, Archives and Group Coaching Replays

In addition to the webinar replays, you'll receive access to six group coaching sessions. These 1-hour session will be held in between the Alchemy Course webinars. After practicing the assignments for a week, we'll go online for a group session where you can ask your questions and receive feedback on your experiences. The group sessions will be recorded and archived and even if you live in a far-away time zone, you can participate by submitting your questions in advance. You'll also be enrolled in a group forum for each webinar. Learn from your classmates' comments and questions and fine-tune your own practice!

Option 3: Webinar Replays, Archives, Group Coaching and Personal Consultations

In Option 3 you will have access to the webinar replays, group consultations and three 1-hour personal consultations with myself as your instructor. If you choose this option, you'll be able to ask detailed questions about your alchemy experiences and receive valuable personal feedback and direction.

The personal consultations will be scheduled after the Alchemy Course. This will give you ample time to work through the course, review your notes and engage in your practices before having your sessions with me.

Option 1: Webinar Replays

We've tried to keep the price as low as possible!

Option 1: Webinar Replays

  • 6 LIVE webinar replays
  • ALL instructional handouts
  • ALL training assignments
  • Archives access for 1 year

Tuition: $295


You may have lots of questions about this new program. Ask us questions of any kind by sending an email to

Below are some answers to questions you may be pondering.

Does this course consist of teachings by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet?

Yes! The core study materials for this course come from the book Saint Germain on Alchemy, which was recorded by Mark L. Prophet from the ascended master Saint Germain and published by Summit University Press. Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, under Saint Germain’s guidance, lectured on principles from Saint Germain’s book and how to use the science of alchemy for self-transformation. However, in the archives of The Summit Lighthouse and Summit University there are no ready-made courses or sets of instruction on the science of alchemy by Mark and Elizabeth Prophet that we can pull from the shelf. We’ll therefore use Saint Germain’s book as the primary text during this course to go deeply into the study of this sacred science.

Does the course include material from sources other than The Summit Lighthouse?

Yes, it does. In his dictation of October 11, 1993, Saint Germain urges us to “study all that you know about what the adepts have taught.” This direction from the master points us to many valuable resources that can supplement our study of alchemy. In this course, supporting materials will focus mostly on the history of alchemy and what we can learn from past practices of alchemy. We’ll also look at key figures in alchemy, including the Count Saint Germain himself. This supplemental material will help tremendously with understanding the science of alchemy and its purpose in our lives today.

Do I need to take the Crash Course in Alchemy before I take Alchemy 1: The Secrets of Precipitation?

No. Alchemy 1: The Secrets of Precipitation is open to new and returning students in the SU Adeptship Program. That said, much of the course will build on key concepts and skills taught in the Crash Course in Adeptship. If you find that you are lost with some of these concepts and practices, we encourage you to register for the Crash Course in Adeptship as well. You will have access to each course for 1 year from your registration and enrollment date (December 31, 2020 for the Alchemy 1 Course), so you will have plenty of time to go back and forth between both courses simultaneously and pick up missed concepts.

How rigorous is this course? Is it academic? Are there tests and exams? How much time will it take?

The course is not set up as an academic course. Please rest assured that there will be no tests and exams, except for some self-check quizzes and a final check-in in Webinar 6 to pre-qualify you for your Certificate of Completion. Expect to spend about 10 hours total over 4 months to attend the webinars, and an additional 6 hours if you opt for the group coaching sessions. In addition to these class time activities, the bigger investment of your time will be in doing the exercises. After all, this is not just an informational course but a hands-on training course, and your new skills won’t mature unless you practice the exercises!

Some students do opt to review the webinars once the course ends, so you may want to plan for additional time throughout your 1 year of course access to go back and review the materials. 

How long will I have access to the course?

Students will receive access to all webinar replays for one year, beginning on the date of enrollment and purchase.

The Crash Course in Adeptship was 7 webinars. Why is this one only 6 webinars?

Due to the nature of the course text, Saint Germain on Alchemy, SU feels that the six webinars will accurately cover the subject matter and that a seventh webinar is not needed to further understanding.

Do you have any discounts available for students?

Yes! We are happy to offer discounts to full-time and part-time students of any age currently enrolled in courses at an accredited high school, college or university. Full-time students with proof of enrollment are eligible to receive 30% off their course tuition. Part-time students with proof of enrollment are eligible to receive 20% off their course tuition.  

Additionally, students enrolled in Summit University’s School of Theology and Spiritual studies who are currently taking courses for credit/audit during Fall 2019 and/or Spring 2020 can apply for the part-time student discount and receive 20% off their course tuition.

To apply for a discount, please contact the SU Registrar with your proof of current enrollment at 

Do you have discounts available for anyone other than students?

The Summit Lighthouse staff and their spouses are eligible to receive special discounts for this course. Please contact the SU Registrar at for details.

No other discounts, besides the student discounts mentioned above, are being offered to specific groups for this course at this time. 

I feel called to take the Alchemy 1 Course, but I don't have the money at the moment. Is there a payment plan available? Are scholarships available?

While we'd love to be able to give the course away for free, we are not able to do this. We need to be able to cover our expenses for preparing and running the course. However, we appreciate that there are some unique financial situations and want to allow as many people to participate as possible. Three-payment plans are available for Option 1 and Option 2. If you are interested in a payment plan option, please contact the SU Registrar at for details and to register with a payment plan. 

A limited number of full-tuition scholarships are available for the Alchemy 1 Course. The requirements are: 

  • You have taken and completed the Crash Course including passing the final quiz.
  • Submit a written 500-word essay detailing: a) what you have done with the information in the Crash Course; b) why you want to study alchemy; and c) why you could use a scholarship.
  • Submit your scholarship request and written essay by January 9th to the SU Registrar at 

What kind of computer set-up and skills do I need?

You’ll need a good internet connection with enough bandwidth for video streaming. (We recommend at least 1 mbps download speed, which you can test here: If you have an email address, are comfortable with a service like Facebook and/or with using the TSL membership area, you’re good to go. Our technical staff will make a short video presentation available that will walk you through the steps of setting up for and accessing the course.

Will your weekly adeptship emails continue?

We’ll continue to send adeptship emails to our mailing list but will do so less frequently during the course, in anticipation of a very busy schedule with the webinars and group coaching sessions.

I’m already doing so much spiritual work. Will this course side-track me? Why take on more?

Time and time again, the ascended masters have called us to pursue our adeptship and full self-mastery. This shows it’s really important to them that at least some of their chelas take up this calling. And alchemy is a key tool in the toolbox of the would-be-adept. Think of it this way: Training in alchemy and the science of precipitation is invaluable and will enhance your spiritual practices and make them much more effective and powerful. That, in turn, allows the masters, especially our beloved Saint Germain, to invest more light and energy in you and guide you further on the path of initiation. It’s a win-win for all!

Our Guarantee

Register for the Alchemy 1: The Secrets of Precipitation course and you will receive 10 days to access the course risk-free, beginning on the date of enrollment and purchase. If after 10 days you decide that the course isn't right for you for any reason, please contact the SU Registrar at and we will arrange for a refund or credit your account for future SU courses—which ever option is best for you.

Let's not keep Saint Germain waiting!

Sign up for the Alchemy 1: The Secrets of Precipitation course to join me in this effort
and noble striving in the pursuit and practice of alchemy!

May You Pass Every Test!