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Alchemy 1: The Secrets of Precipitation
Why Alchemy?
Last year, Summit University launched a brand-new program on adeptship. Adeptship—a wonderful, mysterious term that holds great promise.
What is adeptship, you might ask?
The ascended masters explain that a true adept is an initiate of the Great White Brotherhood of a high degree of attainment, especially in the control of Matter, physical forces, nature spirits and bodily functions. The adept is fully the alchemist undergoing advanced initiations of the sacred fire on the path of the ascension.
This definition tells us that the adept is primarily an alchemist. Actually, an accomplished alchemist with a lot of attainment was called adeptus, in mediaeval Neo-Latin. This is where our modern use of the term “adept” comes from.
An adept is primarily an alchemist because the alchemist is the person who strives to understand nature to its fullest and consciously cooperate with it. The alchemist is also the person who strives to fully understand himself or herself, and, in the terminology of alchemy, transform the base elements of one’s psychology into the gold of the enlightened consciousness. The archetype of the adept and the alchemist is the wizard—the wise one who is able to master him or herself and thereby gain access to the forces of nature to work the miracles of God.
We started this program because adeptship is sorely needed in a time when our society and our world is faced with major challenges and seems to be crumbling beneath our feet. We need wise ones, adepts who can provide a counterweight and counterforce to these challenges. When culture is slowly degrading and disintegrating, it takes mature men and women of the Spirit to quietly rebuild it and prepare for a new age.
After all, rebuilding society according to higher, divine principles takes courageous people who are not afraid to pursue the calling of becoming co-creators with God. That’s the most basic definition of an adept and an alchemist: becoming a co-creator with God.
What’s Happening in Society Today?
As you know, society has become permeated with people who seek only their material welfare and comfort. Wherever we look life around us has become terribly self-centered and materialistic—because people have lost sight of God, the divine within the creation.
In essence, our job as aspiring adepts and alchemists is restore the flow of Spirit into Matter—and liberate Matter from the imperfect matrices placed upon it so it can return to Spirit.
So how do we tackle this?
Pursue Your Mastery in Adeptship by Practicing Alchemy
In the Crash Course on Adeptship, we laid the foundation for mastering ourselves in the four quadrants of being—physical, emotional, mental, and in the etheric or memory body.
We also explored the basics of spiritual science and studied the path of initiation under the ascended masters that will keep us solidly on the right track as we enter the deep sciences of the Spirit.
That first adeptship course is not a prerequisite for studying alchemy but if you haven’t taken it, I strongly recommend that you take that course as well so you fully understand the context of what we are trying to do as we pursue mastery in adeptship.
Now, we’re going to go into specialized training—because it’s training, more than just knowledge, that we need to become practicing adepts.
And we're starting with the science of alchemy!

We would love to invite you to our newest
adeptship training course
Alchemy 1: The Secrets of Precipitation.
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