Intensive: Pastoral Assistance – Credit


Course Number: MINS 1650
MINS 1650 is a required four-day intensive for Ministering Servant Certificate—Track B students who have completed 12 credits or will complete 12 credits at the conclusion of the semester in which the intensive will be held. Intensives are held once a year in the Fall Semester. Locations and dates will be announced. The costs of travel, housing and meals are the responsibility of the student.

Students will engage in study, reflection, group discussions and hands-on training.

Time Commitment: Students should plan to attend the entire four–day intensive in order to receive credit towards their program.


Required for and available only to students enrolled in:

This course is typically offered during SU’s fall semester. Some courses need a minimum number of enrolled students in order to be scheduled. Some also have a maximum number of students who can take the course during a semester.

This information is subject to change without notice.