Writing for Social Media – Credit


Course Number: ENGL 1275

ENGL 1275 trains students in social media navigation and the creation of quality platform-specific content that invites readers to engage with the teachings of the ascended masters on social media. Students will learn and extensively practice a set of writing-related skills that will empower them to create authentic content for social media, ranging from global sites such as Medium and Instagram to local social media platforms such as teaching center and study group websites, where their new social media skills will help them effectively present information and engage visitors in interactions with the group. The course includes detailed exercises to help students get comfortable with writing for the web.

Students will be assessed on the following course assignments:


% of Final Grade

Forum posts 30%
Quizzes 10%
Mid-course assignment 25%
Final project 35%
TOTAL 100%


Hours per week: Students should plan to set aside 5−6 hours per week to complete their weekly course work. This course consists of eight units and students are expected to complete one unit every two weeks.

Textbook Information: ENGL 1275 Textbooks

To take this course, you must be a credit or audit student in the Summit University Online, and it must be a required or elective component of your program of study. Interested in applying to Summit University? Visit our Application Process page to apply today!

This course is typically offered during SU’s fall semester. Some courses need a minimum number of enrolled students in order to be scheduled. Some also have a maximum number of students who can take the course during a semester.

This information is subject to change without notice.