
Unveiled Mysteries

Unite with God’s Light and be free with Unveiled Mysteries!

Original price was: $129.95.Current price is: $99.95.

Course Number: RELS 0701
In the 1930s, Guy W. Ballard, under the pen name of Godfré Ray King, wrote
Unveiled Mysteries to share his personal transcendent experiences with the Ascended Master Saint Germain and to disseminate the teaching on the Mighty I AM Presence. In this course, Elizabeth Clare Prophet goes deep into the mysteries of this book and teaches on what it takes to have a face-to-face encounter with an ascended master. 

Course Topics 

Unit 1: Meeting the Master
• The importance of mastering your thoughts and feelings and maintaining harmony
• Saint Germain’s meditation on gaining control of your thoughts and feelings
• Harmony as an electrode to attract supply
• How pain and suffering increase Christ Consciousness
• A formula for traveling to the etheric retreats of the Brotherhood
• A call to bless your water
• Saint Germain’s Heart Meditation 

Unit 2: The Sahara Desert
• How to project your consciousness
• How radiation from a Master affects you
• Dispensation of a cup of elixir from Saint Germain
• Meditation on your Higher Self
• A vision of the golden age
• Three conditions that Saint Germain deems essential to attain adeptship
• Six steps to not be overcome by your emotions
• Radiation from a Master or your I AM Presence increases the velocity of the atomic frequency of your brain, your senses, your nerves, your eyes and your chakras. 

Unit 3: The Royal Teton
• Keys to precipitating the Holy Spirit, your Christ consciousness, and your mission in life
• How to contact the Masters’ consciousness and make use of the clues Saint Germain is giving to the true initiates
• Sixteen steps to develop conscious control and direct your visualization to bring forth a definite plan.
• Teaching on wearing jewels for the protection and the release of Light from our chakras.
• A meditation on the Royal Teton Retreat 

Unit 4: Mysteries of the Yellowstone
• Exercise to realize the present reality of the masters
• Keys to God-dominion
• Teaching on Ascended Master Eriel's Light and Sound Ray to help you pass your tests on the path
• How to expand your consciousness to become an instrument of light
• Teaching on thoughts and feelings being living, pulsating things
• Visualization for the crystallization of the God Flame
• Djwul Kul's Secret Chamber of the Heart Meditation 

Unit 5: Inca Memories
• The importance of uniting with specific lifestreams in order to accelerate your divine blueprint
• Interesting teaching on the process of surrender
• Special invocations for the anchoring of Saint Germain’s consciousness, the clearing of our auras of doubt and fear, and for the anchoring the divine blueprint of the Great Pyramid within us
• Impressing our thoughts and feelings on universal substance
• Cycles of earth changes and records of cataclysm 

Unit 6: The Secret Valley
• Seeking the mandala of your divine family
• More teaching on the Light and Sound Rays
• Teaching on discerning your inner voice to pass your tests
• Call to unite with your twin flame in the etheric retreats
• Steps to help discern your inner voice
• Developing Cosmic Consciousness
• Requirements to fulfill before the masters can train you
• Recognizing your attainment 

Unit 7: God’s Omnipresent Power and Venus Visits the Royal Teton
• How to deal with someone’s strong carnal mind
• Technique for reaching the soul of an individual
• Call for the arresting of the spiral of human habits
• The importance of listening to your God Presence and being in the right place at the right time
• Call to quicken the inner ear
• Teaching on focusing your consciousness on the here and now
• Dictation by Saint Germain 

You can purchase and begin Unveiled Mysteries today. When you purchase the course you will receive an enrollment email with next steps including setting up a login and password. Purchasing the course will give you access to the course for two months. The two-month period begins at time of enrollment, not at first login.

By purchasing the course, you will get access to: 

  • Readings on spiritual teachings 
  • Spiritual exercises 
  • Audio and/or video clips
  • Journaling
  • Online forum discussions
  • Recommendations for further study
  • An instructor who will answer questions

Recommended Materials and Texts: 

To purchase the following texts from our TSL Online Bookstore, click the links below: 

To purchase the following materials from the TSL Online Bookstore, click the links below: