Claim The Victory Way of Life!

Develop the Fiery Heart

with Mighty Victory, Saint Germain, and the Messengers


Deepen your understanding of the victory consciousness the way the ascended masters see it, so that you can claim the Victory Way of Life!

Never have another thought but victory! Is that humanly possible? The ascended masters tell us in resounding terms it is, even for imperfect human beings living in an imperfect world. All we need to do to rise above our daily challenges, disappointments and occasional failures is to embrace the victory consciousness!

How do we do this? Enter Mighty Victory, the tall master from Venus who has “known only victory for thousands of centuries.” In this seminar you will learn how to live permanently in this victorious consciousness exemplified by the master himself. As you engage in this captivating material, prepare to have your life changed forever!


• Three life-changing lectures by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on the Victory Way of Life that unfold Mighty Victory’s inner matrix for victory

• Twelve detailed exercises that will give you your own personalized roadmap to victory

• Enlightening recorded dictations by the ascended masters Victory, Lanello, Serapis Bey and Saint Germain on how to assimilate the victory consciousness


Never have another thought but victory! Is that humanly possible? The ascended masters tell us in resounding terms it is, even for imperfect human beings living in an imperfect world. All we need to do to rise above our daily challenges, disappointments and occasional failures is to embrace the victory consciousness!

How do we do this? Enter Mighty Victory, the tall master from Venus who has “known only victory for thousands of centuries.” In this seminar you will learn how to live permanently in this victorious consciousness exemplified by the master himself. As you engage in this captivating material, prepare to have your life changed forever!

He who has the greater sense of victory will win! And we are going to win! -Saint Germain, July 4, 1992


Topics include:

• Three life-changing lectures by Mrs. Prophet on the Victory Way of Life that unfold Mighty Victory’s inner matrix for victory

• Twelve detailed exercises that will give you your own personalized roadmap to victory

• Enlightening recorded dictations by the Ascended Masters Victory, Lanello, Serapis Bey and Saint Germain on how to assimilate the victory consciousness


Dictations (audio/video replays) by: Mighty Victory, Lanello, Serapis Bey and Saint Germain Other seminar features: This seminar includes a unique purification ritual called a clearance, and concludes with a chakra blessing. Recommended texts: • Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Mandate of Victory (The Summit Lighthouse, 2017)

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