The Path of the Bodhisattva. Part 3

The path of the bodhisattva is the path of Love, of laying down one's life for one's friends— to love all life free. It is the path of the Christed Ones who willingly bear the burden of a wayward humanity. It is the path of the unascended masters of the Himalayas—ageless saints who hold the balance by radiating light into this world. It is also the path of ascended masters who choose to remain with earth to teach and help its evolutions, rather than continue on to higher realms of cosmic service. And it is the path of those of us on earth who desire to follow in their footsteps.

Topics include:

  • Dive deeply into the preliminary stage of the bodhisattva path.
  • Discover what true purity of heart is and how to manifest it in your life Learn about the importance of the guru-chela relationship and develop a relationship with one of the lords of the seven rays.
  • Gain deeper understanding of the Ritual of Holy Communion, the five secret rays, and the process of soul refinement and purification.


Dictations (audio/video replays) by:

Paul the Venetian, the Maha Chohan, Mighty Cosmos and Vajrasattva, spokesman for the Five Dhyani Buddhas This seminar includes a unique purification ritual called a clearance, and concludes with a chakra blessing.

Note: The Path of the Bodhisattva, Part 1: Develop the Compassionate Heart is not a pre- requisite for this seminar, though it is helpful to attend Part 1 first.

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