Homiletics 2 – Credit


Course Number: MINS 2110
MINS 2110 Homiletics 2 focuses on broadening and deepening the preaching skills acquired in MINS 1110 Homiletics 1. In this practicum-like course, students will learn and practice with several new sermon types: narrative, expository, topical and biographical sermons. They also will expand their knowledge base through select readings from the required textbook and by watching or hearing several different sermons from top-notch preachers, including Peter Marshall, Aimee Semple McPherson, Mark L. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet and Gene Vosseler.

For their final project, students will submit a video recording of a fully developed sermon for critiquing by the instructor and feedback from classmates. Students will be assessed on the following course assignments: forum posts, papers, quizzes and their sermon delivery project.

Students will be assessed on the following course assignments:

Assignment % of Final Grade
Forum Posts 20%
Papers 40%
Final Project 40%
TOTAL 100%


Hours per week: Students should plan to set aside 5–6 hours per week to complete their weekly course work. This course consists of eight units and students are expected to complete one unit every two weeks.

Additional Technology Requirement: All MINS 2110 students must have a webcam and know how to make short videos with it. Video-editing knowledge or software is not required for this course. Please see the SU Tech Support Knowledge base for more information, or contact SU Tech Support with questions.

Textbook Information: MINS 2110 Textbook Information Sheet [PDF]


Required for and available only to students enrolled in:

This course is typically offered during SU’s fall semester. Some courses need a minimum number of enrolled students in order to be scheduled. Some also have a maximum number of students who can take the course during a semester.

This information is subject to change without notice.